Friday, May 26, 2006

Veronica Mars

Season two of Veronica Mars was pretty good. It had a lot of twists and turns and the most shocking season premiere of any show this season. The mystery of the bus crash was a strong though line for the season. I did figure out who the bad guy was a few episodes earlier.

I was heartbroken when Duncan went away but, it was okay in a way because it showed that no matter how hard Logan tries he'll never truly have Veronica's heart. Very intriguing that at the end Duncan had Aaron Echoll's killed. I was really pissed off that Rob decided to go that routt and let Aaron get away with murder but at least he got his in the end and I don't have to ever watch him again. And note to Rob Thomas don't ever do a courtroom sequence again unless you are actually going to put the time into making it right.

Man that was a pretty intense few minutes there wondering if Veronica's dad really was on the plane that Beaver blew up. I kept telling myself that they wouldn't get rid of him but, then again it seems that anything is truly possible on this show.

I still don't know how I feel overall about the Jackie character. Talk about a love/hate thing with her. While most of the time I hated her she did have a few good moments. And while I knew she wasn't going to Paris I did not anticipate her having a kid. That was an interesting little twist they gave to her leaving.

I love that Mac got so much more screen time this year and really, really, hope that they have the money to make her a serious regular next season.

I'm also looking forward to seeing how well the three extended mysteries work out instead of the one big mystery for the season.

And even though it was good season and Duncan will always be Veronica's true love I was still pissed off at her being with Logan at the end of the season. She is to good a character and to strong a woman to put up with a guy like that. Logan is the worst kind of person and she is so much better than him. Not to mention that Jason Dohring, the actor who plays Logan, really bugs me.

Here's to a hopefully stellar 3rd season, and better ratings.

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