Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Couple More

Couple more movies to catch up on.

Hollywoodland - Not a good movie. Couple decent performances by Ben Affleck and Diane Lane but, those are the only good things about the movie. There isn't enough story to make a movie out of. Sure it sounds like it would be a good movie but, once put together there just isn't a movie. I'm not even sure this is worth the money at the video store.

The Black Dahlia - Good movie. A lot of good performances and a very good story. Even though the real murder was never solved and this is based on a novel based on that murder it works really well. It had the potential to be really heavy almost too heavy but, a couple comedic scenes really lightened the whole thing up. And made the movie. A little too much back story involving one of the characters that dragged the pace down in a few places. Other than that it was good. If you didn't see it in theaters it's totally worth picking up on video.


fgossipboy said...

I'm so glad you're back! I was also dissapointed in "Hollywoodland" but I do think it was worth a rental.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry I'll never leave you