Friday, May 02, 2008

Into The Wild

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I rented Into The Wild. It was a decent movie and a good story. However, it was a bit boring and long. The length of it wouldn't have been such a problem if it had a little better pacing. A lot of the problem was needless scenes that may not have been that long themselves but, once you start adding them all up it's a decent chunk of time. It was beautifully shot and it was some of those scenes that drug down the pace.

On the whole the acting was good. Sean Penn got exactly what he needed out of his cast. Aside from the unnecessary scenes his directing was good. I really don't think Hal Holbrook deserved his Oscar nomination. As an ensemble the cast definitely deserved attention. Broken down into individual performances though there wasn't any one that really stood out.

It's not really a movie I would recommend right off the top of my head if someone asked what they should rent. But, at the sametime I wouldn't tell them not to rent it either.

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