Sunday, September 25, 2005


I was a bit disappointed in My Name Is Earl. It was amusing but I just didn't find it as funny as it seemed like it was going to be. I absolutely love the premise of the show so hopefully it will get better. I try not to judge new shows by their pilots alone so I will be giving it a few episodes. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. One thing I could live without was the narration. I don't know what the deal is with so many shows having narration lately but it's quickly becoming annoying. I do see the need for a little bit of narration here and there with this show but I felt there was a little to much of it. They don't really need to have him telling us that he made that guys life hell when they were growing up while they are showing us a flashback to that affect. So if they tone that down a little I think it will make for a better show.

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