Monday, June 19, 2006

A Prarie Home Companion

After the mind numbing boringness that was Gosford Park and the general disappointment that was The Company I was a little nervous about seeing another movie directed by Robert Altman. Even with that cast it was a bit scary. I mean the man always puts together a great cast but, he doesn't always deliver. I was overwhelmingly pleasantly surprised by this one. It delivered on every level. The directing was good and the acting was top notch.

This is probably the best most honored cast assembled this year and they all worked so marvalously together. Most notably Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep. They could make a movie where those two where just sittin' around telling crazy stories and it would be worth the price of admission the way they play off each other. It's no wonder their presentation at the Oscars was such a gut buster.

Virgina Madsen probably had the most interesting part playing "Dangerous Woman" but more to the point she was the angle of death. There was just something about the way she played the role that was really interesting to me. Especially the way she moved. To walk as though you are gliding is not easy and she made it look effortless.

I know a lot of people aren't keen on Lindsay Lohan being in this movie. She deserved this role and I honestly don't know who else would have even worked in it. She fit in so well. There wasn't a single moment where it felt like she wasn't sure of what she was doing or that she didn't belong amongst all that talent. If she was intimidated by anyone in the cast she never let it show in her performance and that is the truest test of anyones talent. Her talent belonged in this movie and it showed in the end when she sang that crazy song.

Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly as the comic singing cowboys were the perfect pairing. No where in my head would I have ever considered pairing them together like that but it was a genius move.

Kevin Kline was halarious as always.

And having been the stage manager in my high school theater how I did feel for Maya Rudolph's character. Things are always a mess back stage no matter how many times you have done something.

I paid full price for this movie and it was totally worth it. If you get the chance to see this movie you must do so.

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