Saturday, July 28, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I didn't see any of the other Harry Potter movies in theaters but, I did watch them all on dvd recently on account of my boyfriend being very into them. They were pretty good. I have to say each individual story was quite good and the over all story running through them was very good and very strong. I liked how they depicted a regular school life for Harry and his friends along with the main story and obstical for that movie.

That being said Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix did not live up to the previous four movies. I understand that it was an extremely long book so there was a lot that had to be cut out but, in all honesty they cut out the stuff that made the movies so good. This one was way to focused on the big bad for this story. There wasn't enough of the everyday stuff that was in the earlier movies and that really made it drag.

The thing is because the core audience here is viewed to be a younger audience they were clearly trying to keep it as short as possible. However, the kids that read these books and watch these movies soak it up they would sit through a slightly longer movie. As long as they get more Harry they are staying glued to the screen.

Aside from that everything else about the movie was good. The actors held up their end of the deal just like they have each time. And the special effects where very good. One thing I really like about the effects in the Harry Potter movies is they don't push them too far and they don't use them in places that they don't need to. A lot of movies the effects look hokey even in other movies of this type that can be the case. That is not the case with these movies which makes them easier for me to watch. Generally I avoid movies like this just because I don't like the effects.

For this being my first Harry Potter theater experience it was decent. I paid full price and it wasn't a complete waste. I would have prefered matinee price but that would have meant dealing with all the little kids so I'm fine with full price. It's definitely worth full price if your a big Potter fan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the movie but the 3rd one is still my favorite...I wish there had been more Emma Thompson. I love her character...Hopefully I'll be able to write my own review soon.