Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Come Early Morning

It hasn't been my normal practice to blog about stuff I watch on video. However, due to recent life developments and the fact that things still don't always come to a theater that I can easily get to I have decided to change this.

Last year there was a lot of buzz about Come Early Morning. As a big Ashley Judd fan I was very interested in the movie. My interest in it was also peaked by it being written and directed by Joey Lauren Adams. Unfortunately the movie either went straight to dvd or it just got a really limited release.

Thanks to netflix I was able to finally see it. Normally I'm not much on the whole average life kind of movie. I just don't get into watching a person go through day to day life. However, this movie was really well written and had a really good story. There were a couple parts of the story that could have used a little more development because they just kinda left you wondering what was going on. And it would have given a little more depth to Ashley's story.

It was one of Ashley's strongest performances in a long time. I've never been disappointed in her but, it's nice seeing her get back to where she started. For those of you who aren't familiar she got her start in a small little film called Ruby In Paradise. She really is more than just a pretty face. And movies like Come Early Morning and Ruby In Paradise really show that.

I was very impressed with Joey Lauren Adam's writing and directing skills. I hope she continues to do more of both.

I definitely recommend seeing this movie. I would not have felt jipped if I had paid full price to see it.


Anonymous said...

The movie did get a very limited release but I think it would have been difficult for people outside of New York and Los Angeles to find it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.