Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Mighty Heart

I didn't really have any expectations for A Mighty Heart. There's not really a lot you can expect from a movie like this since you don't know going in just how much information the film makers had access too. I was very pleased with the movie. It wasn't a sappy mess and it wasn't an indictment on our government or the Pakistani government. It really seemed to just be an honest picture of what everyone went through to hopefully find Daniel Pearl alive.

Angelina gave a great performance and the Oscar talk is completely warranted. Her portrayal of a woman who found more courage and strength in that horrible time than most of the world can find on a daily basis was moving. I don't think any one would have faulted her if for her's and her unborn child's health she had left Pakistan before learning of Daniel's fate yet she stayed there never giving up hope even for a minute. The scene when she found out that her husband had been killed was a monsterous gut punch. I always find those scenes to be the most telling of a performance and a story. It's not like the viewer doesn't know how the story ends. I think all American's felt the heartbreak of learning Daniel Pearl had been killed. So for the scene's in which that information in the movie is learned to have that impact shows how strong the movie is.

The only thing I didn't like about the movie were the few scenes that flashed back to random days in Daniel and Marianne's relationship. They did a perfectly good job of showing how in love they were and how strong their relationship was without those weird flashbacks that really just slowed the movie down a bit. Other than that the story and the movie were executed very well. The thing I liked best was learning just how much both countries worked together in an attempt to save Daniel.

I saw the movie for full price and it was definitely worth it for me. I recommend the movie and think most people would not consider it a waste at full price.

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