Friday, March 17, 2006


This really isn't a movie I would normally see. However, since the previews seemed to indicate there might be some good sword fights and the fact that I do enjoy Milla Jovovich's career path I decided to catch a matinee. Luckily I wasn't expecting much from it because it while it wasn't a complete disappointment it didn't exceed my expectations either. Talk about way to much digital. That opening escape sequence was like watching a video game. I'm pretty sure the only thing that was real in it was Milla and the motorcycle she was on. Some people might like that kind of stuff but I don't.

As for the story. It had so much potential but unfortunately they didn't develop it enough for the length of the movie. They could have put more into it so it was a little more interesting and not so transparent in places. It's really funny how this one had potential but they didn't put enough into the story where as with Aeon Flux they had to much story for the length of the film they made so it didn't get to play out enough. Somewhere in the middle lies a really good movie. Maybe someday we'll get to see it. Especially since there's a lot of similarities in the two stories.

Spoilers Coming Up:

The one thing they did do right in this movie was to give Violet a good back story. Her character was the most developed and layered character of the movie. Which does make since considering she's the heroine, it's her movie. But that's where it could have been so much better. If they had put a little more time into the bad guy and had him in the story more it would have been a lot better.

They got way to into the ultimate warriro thing with Violet. There were a lot of times when she would make her sword appear and then you would see anything you'd just hear this noise and the next thing you know she's wiped out like 20 bad guys. I lay some of the blame on how much time and money they put into the special effects in the movie. I don't think they had a lot of money left to pay for all the time it would take to orhastrate those fight sequences. Major bummer for the movie as a whole because when they did have those fight sequences they were really good.

I did like the final fight sequence between Violet and Daxus. That was cool how they did it in the dark with their swords being on fire. Probably one of the most original things I've seen in awhile when it comes to fight sequences.

Going in I didn't know that Violet and those like her had been infected with some sort of super vampirism. Considering the future time the movie was set in I let the fact that nothing about them aside from their teeth and enhanced strength was remotely vampire. However, it may have been a better story and movie if they had played a bit more towards the traditional vampire aspects.

As for the big twist ending. It wasn't a twist at all. I knew from the very beginning that Daxus had at some point been infected with the virus. Basically they picked the wrong twist to go with. The twist they shold have used was that instead of the boy Six being a clone of Daxus it should have turned out that he was actually the child they had forced Violet to terminate years earlier when she got the virus. A little more time in story development and that would have been a way better twist.

I went to a matinee of this and it really wasn't worth that. The discount theater would have been a better price to see it at.

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