Sunday, November 13, 2005


As I said in my post earlier I was very upset with Kate's death and worried about her replacement both actress and character. They through some nice twists in there with Ziva in the beginning making you wonder what she was up to and if she should be trusted. The whole story with Ari wrapped up nicely and really gave you a good feel for Ziva.

So far I love her character and am very impressed with Cote de Pablo, an actress that I had no knowledge of prior to her joining the show. Tony continues to annoy and get more annoying almost by the episode but she is a very good counter too that. Not only in the sameway as Kate was but also in her own way. I also like how there is a bit of Gibb's in her. Her being a more dangerous driver than him is halarious. They do a great job with her not understanding thing's about American culture and sayings. Like when she saw a yard sale sign and wanted to know why some one would sell their yard.

While I hope Abby will evenutally warm to her I like that she is hostile towards Ziva at the moment. I'm hoping they will have to work together sometime soon. The hostility and abbrasiveness between the two will be good for quite a few laughs I think.

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