Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Reunion Returns

On the eve of it's return from the baseball imposed hiatus I thought I'd do a little recap.


We meet the six friends. Will Malloy, Jenna Moretti, Carla Noll, Samantha Carlton, Craig Brewster, and Aaron Trumball.

Samantha and Craig are dating but apparently broke up for a bit and her and Will (who is Craig's best friend) got together and now Sam is pregnant. The only person who knows this is Carla.

Will takes the fall for a car accident that Craig caused while drunk that killed a father of three.

Aaron finallyy gets his chance with Jenna.

Carla and Samantha head off for London.

In the present day of this episode we learn that a necklace of Carla's (scene in the flashbacks) was found on the body.

Also at some point Carla must have been married as her last name is now Holland, although she does not have a wedding ring on. So clearly she isn't married anymore (whether by divorce or death) or there is the other option that perhaps she just changed her name for some reason in the past 20 years.


Sam has her baby (a girl) in London and gives it up for adoption.

Having served 9 months of his 12 month sentence Will returns to Bedford.

Sam and Carla return from London.

Sam goes to visit Jenna in New York and finds Aaron also staying with her. Later he tells Carla that he has dropped out of school.

Poor Aaron also gets his heartbroken when he learns that their summer together meant far less to Jenna than it did to him.

Will runs into his cellmate who gets him to help in robbing Craig's house. They get caught by Craig. In the end Craig ends up with the gun that is later used to kill one of the six friends.

Will also takes a job with Craig's dad's real estate development company.

Aaron heads for Seattle.

In the present day Carla throws the gun into the river. And we learn that Will is still alive and is now a priest.


Sam locates the people who adopted her daughter and contacts them unfortunately they want nothing to do with her.

Not knowing what it's for Will offers to give her the money she needs. Unfortunately for him the project he was relying on to get that money in a bonus falls through and he ends up bribing the guy at the EPA to make it happen.

Carla takes a job as a nanny for the people who adopted Sam's daughter.

Will gets busted for his EPA payoff and can save himself by ratting out Mr. Brewster.

Will gives Sam the money and she promptly returns it and he pushes her back into Craig's arms.

In the present day we learn that Detective Marjorino is the stepson of the man killed in the 1986 car accident caused by Craig. And that Aaron is still alive and has become enormously successful.

Now it's on to 1989 and by 1990 we will know who for sure the murdered friend is.

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