Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Brave One

Admittedly I'm a litte behind again but, I thought I was going to see this a second time right away so I was waiting to post a review until then. That hasn't happened so I'll go ahead and post now.

Overall the movie was pretty good. It was rather thought provoking. It wasn't as intense or suspenseful as I was expecting. I did feel it was let down by the directing at times.

As always Jodie was very good. It was a very interesting role and as seems to be her pattern of late there were some things that awhile back you would have never thought you'd see her do. Of course there was a time when the critics would have all out attacked her for one of the scenes in the movie because for some reason they didn't want her doing them.

I was a bit disappointed by Terrance Howard. It's not that there was a lot in the way of range for his character but, I just felt that his performance was very bland. Very cookie cutter for that type of character.

The arc of Jodie's character was rather interesting and again thought provoking. It takes a special actor to play a character like that and make you feel anything for the character other than disgust.

I don't know that this is a movie for everyone out there. What I do know is that people are going to take very different things from it. I don't think it's a love it or hate it movie. It's a very grey area movie. Two people could go to it and enjoy it but, they'd like it for different reasons. The same goes for not liking it. I think people are going to have vastly different opinions on the story and the character and the good or evil of it.

Do to scheduling issues I saw it at a mattinee and it was worth it. I would have been plenty happy to see it for full price.

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