Thursday, February 02, 2006

A History of Violence

Almost missed seeing this one in theaters but luckily it popped back up at our local discount theater this week. It has a good story or at least a good story idea unfortunately it didn't seem to come together quite as good as it could have. It never seemed to find the right balance between the primary story of Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) and his new normal life and his back story. Other than the fact that he didn't like the mob life I didn't give a defining moment for why he left it behind. I did like the visual feel of the film. It also could have been served better with some better pacing. It held my interest but just barely because it was so slow. Sadly with the exception of Maria Bello the acting was not that great. Ed Harris was good too at least he wasn't over the top with his villian. Viggo never seemed like he bought into his character completely. And William Hurt was so horridly over the top I wanted to throw something at the screen so I have no idea what people where thinking nominating him for best supporting actor for that crap.

Spoiler Time:

The part with the two guys Tom kills in his diner is really weird. The movie opens with them at some hotel in the middle of nowhere and they kill the manager, a maid, and some little girl. Apparently they've been driving across the country doing this and stealing different cars. It made no sense and while the stuff between those two bad guys was slightly funny it really just wasted time and helped in hurting the overall pacing of the movie.

When Ed Harris shows up you think things are really going to pick up but they don't. It's more about his character, Carl, messing with Tom's head. Making him think he's going to do something to his family. He never does, he just lets his opportunity come to him. Which is a nice change from how these movies usually go but it didn't move fast enough. When Carl finally gets his opportunity it's because Tom's son ran off and Carl snatches him as leverage. He never does hurt him and boy I did not see the son blowing a hole through Carl coming at all. Figured he would just do the standard you shoot him I shoot you thing. And you might think the movie would be over at that point but you would be very wrong.

See it's after that, that Tom gets a call from his brother who actually sent Carl. And it's off to Philadelphia for Tom. Yet another part of the movie that is drug out to long. And for some very odd reason he can't go straight to his brothers house. He has to stop and some sports bar and meet one of his brothers lackeys and then be taken to his brother. His brother being Richie played by William Hurt. And thus the bad acting ensues. This is 10-15 minutes that is pretty unnecessary and leads to Tom single handily killing four or five mob goons plus his brother.

He returns home and finally the damn thing ends.

Saw this at the discount theater for $2 and I would have been okay paying up to matinee price for it.

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