Saturday, September 24, 2005

Arrested Development

We all know this is a show that you either love or hate. I love it. Have since the beginning. I said it in my Emmy post and I'll say it again Jason Bateman should have won. I love that he tries so hard to be a better parent than what he had and yet sometimes he just falls into the same traps and bad habits. And that as aware as he thinks he is he still pretty much has no idea what is going on in his sons life.

Lindsay and Tobias are just messed up enough and just mismatched enough that you're always hoping they will get back together someday while dying to see how they are going to mess things up again.

Unfortunately FOX made the stupid mistake of moving it to 7 o'clock. Monday isn't necessarily a bad day for it but it shouldn't be on before 8. (I live in the mountain time zone.) It's not really a good family show so it shouldn't be on early. It needs to be on after the young ones have gone to bed. I don't know if FOX is going to have a later whole open up in their schedule but if it doesn't I don't think Arrested Development will make it into a fourth season.

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