Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Desperate Housewives

Great show last season even if the answer to mystery became apparent a little sooner than I was expecting it to. At least it did for me. And it is off to a great start this season.

Edie you gotta love her. She was to much with being disappointed that Susan wasn't hurt by Zack while he was holding her hostage. Those two and their love hate relation ship is one of the best dynamics on the show. And she is such a scene steeler. But considering she gets some of the best lines in the whole show that's not hard to do.

All the stuff surrounding Rex's funeral was fabulous. I loved when Bree told his mom that she would have security guards to keep her from the funeral that would beat her with sticks if she tried to get in and that if the preacher didn't back her she would pull the funeral from his church and go non-denominational. I can honestly say I've never heard a threat like that before. But we all know the best part of the episode was when Bree couldn't handle Rex being buried in that hidious tie and changed it like she did.

Even without the mystery the addition of Alfre Woodard is a great one. I am dying to know why they have him chained up in the basement. That almost makes up for the whole Gaby being pregnant storyline. The show doesn't need anymore kids. I'm sure people are going to think I'm the worst person in the world but the best thing that could happen is for her to miscarry.

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