Monday, September 26, 2005


Those of you who read my Emmy post know that I said I didn't watch Lost. Well that true I didn't watch it last season but I am watching it this season. And no I'm not jumping on the band wagon because the show is so popular or because it just won the Emmy. The one reason I am watching is Michelle Rodriguez.

I'm thinking it may take a couple episodes to really get into the show. I didn't see anything that amazing about the show to warrant all the hype. I understand the need for the flashbacks but it seemed that there were to many of them. Perhaps that was this episode, perhaps not. Guess I'll find out this week.

Of all the characters that I started to get a feel for in this episode Hurley was my favorite. As a person who pays attention to how certain numbers seem to pop up in ones life more than others his cursed numbers do intrigue me.

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