Tuesday, September 20, 2005

WB comedies

New show Twins is fun and funny in an off beat way. It runs the risk of getting stale fast if they aren't careful, hopefully they can keep it fresh by mixing up the focus of the episodes among the different characters. Farrah (Molly Stanton) is almost a little to much of a ditz. I look forward to the moment when she does or says something really smart (as all ditzy characters do) and blows everyone away. Sara Gilbert was my reason for watching this show and she did not disappoint. Although her character was bit too dry in the first episode. And Melanie Griffith and Mark Linn-Baker are the perfect pairing for the odd couple parents. That scene in the restaurant when they were arguing over who asked for a divorce was great.

As for my other WB comedy that would be the returning Reba, still on its game. It's nice that Cheyenne is going to struggle with her alcoholism a bit but that cigarette thing is over used. Not so much as a way to keep someone from drinking but rather the stuff where everyone else once smoked and now they are tempted again. Van getting drunk on every conceivable typed of alcohol to try and keep Reba from drinking was to funny. I especially liked when he sneezed and spit his gum in her wine.

Speaking of Reba, I got to see her in concert this summer. She's awesome, even if she did make me wait until the very end to hear my all time favorite song Fancy.

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